Sunday, May 26, 2013

Who Am I

Well, my name is Jamin
Jamin is Hebrew for “The right hand”

I can assure you though, I am no more of a "right hand" than you are.

My point is this:
We (you, me, him, her, they, us) all are much more than any conceptual approximations we can make about ourselves.

  • You are not your name
  • You are not your “titles” or roles you have in life
  • You are not your job/career

You are more than these things

You are more than your relationships to people, places and things.

It seems to me that scientists are continually baffled the more they try to understand even just the some of “our parts.” Though they attempt to understand and explain what they think they know, they don’t completely understand the human mind, the human brain, the human heart and all the intricacies in between. They may have understandings into and models of interacting with such parts of ourself that are useful but there is continually new research and new findings into these parts that continue to open up new ways of looking at ourselves and our relationships to others and the external world we are a part of. And each step along the way when they share their findings it is often pre framed in such a way to tell us “how it is” only to have to later correct themselves.

I don’t know about you but in school I was told that people before me used to believe that the world was flat and that in Columbus’s day people thought they would fall off of the world if they went sailing to far into the ocean.

Our view of the world and our relationship to the cosmos has vastly changed and will continue to change our understanding of the very fabric of our finite and in-finite bodies as we move forward.

With the help of such sciences as quantum physics, we “know” that in one sense, we are essentially waves of vibrating particles of light. That the very material that makes up everything in this world from the plant life to the animal kingdom and us, we are made out of the same “stuff.” Yet, there is a fundamental organizing intelligence, a consciousness that has an awareness of the “itself” so as to imprint its pattern upon the soup of creation in such away that, though it is made out of the same “stuff,” it somehow remains different.

  • Share Your Light 
It is because of many others that have been able to share their light so as to help me light my own candle that I have come to this place in my life. People that want to help often make the mistake of giving away their light by giving away their candle in an effort to help those that don’t have any light themselves. However when you share your light and help others light their own candles you add to the light that is here in this world.

It has not always been a comfortable thing for me to share my story, to share my opinions, thoughts, beliefs, gifts, talents, to share a smile, a laugh, to share my self with others. But it has been my experience that I grow the most by reaching and stretching beyond my comfort zones. Each time I do my comfort zone grows and those things once fearful, challenging and hard become easier and easier. This way I am able to - be more - do more - and have more - experiences that bring more joy and fulfillment into my life. And I continue to see and look forward to that which is beyond.

  • If your not already, I encourage you to do the same. I challenge you to look inside of yourself and find things that resonate and are personal for you. Things that you feel called towards, things that you would love to do or have always wanted to do but for one reason or another, maybe because of doubt, fear and limiting beliefs, you have held yourself back.

I can promise you when you start to look at these things, you will find the ways in which you need to help yourself confront, address and work through, around, above or below the challenges. In what ever way you'll find which is right for you, If you do this I can guarantee that.. 
your life will transform before your very eyes.

However you came upon this blog and have read up to this point, whether you are my friend from back home or from Facebook, I first of all I want to thank you. Thank you for your time and energy. If anything you have read so far resonates or rings true for you I ask that you.. 
explore this further.

Through out this blog, I will be sharing my storie(s) and personal experiences, I will also share research and information on various topics. Through some of these posts, blogs, research articles etc.. I ask that you in different ways and at different times to..

  • explore how the information and your reaction to it shows up in your life; I will challenge you at times to ask yourself, Do you enjoy the life that you are living? And to what ever degree that you are satisfied with your life I will ask you to.. 
  • consider the possibility of being able to experience more; to experience more love, more joy, more bliss, more excitement, more passion; to experience more life and to.. 
  • consider more of what God/the Universe/ or your understanding of the "All", may have in store for you.

I say this because I have noticed in my life and in the lives of those around me that we often are the ones who are in our own way. We are our worst enemies. And if we can find out how to
get out of our own way 
we can experience more of the inexhaustible flow of energy, the flow of creation and how it can move through us and into our lives in unimaginable ways.

I invite you on a journey with me to explore some of the infinite ways You can find to transmute the less then positive aspects of ourselves and to Transform Your Life from the inside out.


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